For small VA rating transformer winding machines the video can be watched on below link.
The function of the transformer is to change the output voltage value to its input voltage and doing this the output current will also change with its input current while maintaining the VA nearly same at input and output. The VA becomes the rating of any transformer as it indicates the voltage and current rating. Transformer becomes most common electrical part or component of any electrical or electronics equipment or power system. A small device like mobile charger has a transformer as its vital part and so the huge industry also has the transformer at its power receiving end as a vital part. This means the rating of the transformer varies from few VA to MVA. The important part of transformer is winding of wire and this makes the transformer winding machine a most crucial manufacturing equipment to produce transformer.
Transformer winding machine has to be with different winding capabilitiesand different features as it has to manufacture transformers of few VA to MVA ratingsalongwith very low volume to high volume production. Due to this there is different transformer winding machines available in market. Transformer winding machines available are
- Manual transformer winding machines
- Programmable transformer winding machines
- CNC or Automated transformer winding machines
We have already discussed about manual, programmable and automatic winding machines in past. Manual winding machines are generally considered when the company is just starting to think of manufacturing transformers and needs to build couple of proto type transformers or having limited resources of fund. CNC or automated transformer winding machines are to be considered when you have huge production with very few designs or few variety of transformers to wind. The most recommended winding machines to have in any workshop or shop floor is programmable transformer winding machine due to its features.
Basic requirement the winding machines to have to wind transformer coils are its capability to handle the wire size, bobbin size and speed control. There are no complicated winding patterns required for transformer winding except when we need to wind PT transformers.
Programmable winding machine has the facility to store no. of programs and this makes easy to hold the design of various transformers into the memory of machine which can any time recalled and start winding. The variable speed makes easy in winding as the wide variety of wires(thin and thick) are required as per design of transformer. The thin wire winding requires high speed while thick wire required low speed. Acme Mechatronics, Inc. has variety of transformer winding machines with programmable features depending on its winding capabilities. Three most suitable models are AEH-01, AEW-5501,1200RPM and AEH-11. More details and features can be found on our acme mechatronics website
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